What is the Vernon Jubilee Hospital Physician Society?
In 2016, the Vernon Jubilee Hospital MSA – physicians, dentists, midwives, and nurse practitioners with hospital privileges – created the VJH Physician Society (VJHPS), enabling us to receive and manage funds from the Doctors of BC Specialist Services Committee to carry out Facility Engagement activities at our hospital.
Vision: VJHPS is an agent of positive change and an effective partner within the B.C. Health Care System.
Mission: The VJHPS, which represents physicians, dentists, midwives, and nurse practitioners with privileges, acts to engage Interior Health to improve patient care and physicians’ well-being, by developing solutions, streamlining systems, and promoting collaboration and open professional dialogue with key stakeholders.
Strategic Goals of the Society:
- Identify physician engagement opportunities to ensure the views of the medical staff are effectively communicated.
- Identify, prioritize and address mutually agreed upon initiatives, with respect to improving the work environment, patient care and other matters which directly affect the medical staff and patients of the Vernon Jubilee Hospital.
- Meaningfully interact, collaborate, and communicate with key stakeholders.
Physicians, dentists, midwives, and nurse practitioners with hospital privileges at Vernon Jubilee Hospital are automatically members of the Society and able to participate in its activities.
Next Steps
- To find out more about facility engagement activities underway at VJH, please browse our Current Activities page
- You can also read about our recent progress in our newsletters here.
- Contact the VJHPS Program Director and find out more on how to get involved
- Register in FEMS, and VoPay, our facility engagement claims system and be reimbursed for sessional time working on activities and attending meetings